LAGOS, Nigeria -- Twenty-eight children have died from lead poisoning from illegal gold mining in a remote west-central village, Nigerian health officials said, while doctors still are treating thousands from an earlier outbreak
more children are sick in the Rafi area of Niger state and action must
be taken quickly if they are not to suffer irreversible neurological
damage, Michelle Chouinard, Nigeria director for Doctors Without
Borders, told The Associated Press on Friday.
Her organization still is
treating children from a 2010 mass lead poisoning, in Zamfara state,
that killed 400 kids and left many paralyzed, blind and with learning
disabilities because of a three-year delay in government funding for a
said they have cured 2,688 of 5,451 people infected and hope to
complete treatment next year. They have had most success in the
worst-affected village of Bagega, where all but 189 of 1,426 people have
had the lead leached from their bodies.
"The devastating impact of this
outbreak is associated with new mining sites which were found to contain
more leaded ores which are often brought home for crushing and
processing," he said.
government efforts to forbid artisanal mining have failed as poor
villagers make up to 10 times as much from gold than from farming.
Zamfara state, where the processing area was found to contain over
100,000 parts per million of lead — the United Nations considers 400
parts per million safe — Idaho-based TerraGraphics International
Foundation took 5 ½ months to clean up and also trained villagers in
safer mining.
(training) is working fairly well and I think it's one of the
contributing factors to why the number of patients is decreasing so much
and so quickly in Bagega," Chouinard said.
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